Friday, June 3, 2011

It must get worse before it gets better!

Nate's mom came into town to help me clean/organize. We had to keep reminding each other that it gets worse before it gets better. You clean one thing and it leads to another and so on. We got a ton done and I am sooooo thankful for the help. Trying to clean out the pantry with two little kids climbing up your leg proves to make for a log process that never quite gets done. So with Janet's help this place is looking spic-n-span!

Janet took Brooklyn to Borders Book Store, they were having a little craft thing and Brooklyn came home like this. Pretty cute.

Both the kids were snuggling up with Grandma.
Grandma made Brooklyn a "princess dress" as Brooklyn calls it. It is a curtain panel but she loves it.
Trent is finally liking Strawberries. He is not much of a fruit guy, loves the peas and green beans. I have no idea why he wants peas over fruit but he does!
Brooklyn loves Strawberries
Trent opened the color draw and crawled right up inside of it
Some other random pics...playing with our friend Beckham
Ok this really should have been in the Easter post, but I just couldn't leave it out. Janet, Ashley, Laurel, Nicky, Molly, and probably some others had a peep making night. I LOVE peeps, I mean I really love them. SO they sent me a box of them. They made them from scratch and I was very very impressed! SO cute

Brooklyn Loved them


Tori said...

Adorable! Praise God for Grandmas. They are a blessing. Love the peeps. Love that TRent is in the coloring drawer - used to be movie drawer? Love you J!

Kim @ The Gab said...

Good for you for organizing. What an accomplishment. I love projects like that.
I hear I get to see you next month (the 4th)! I'm so pumped that we get to spend a few days in the sun (hopefully) together.
Hope you are having a good day.
Peeps huh?