The family at the Tacoma Raniers game.
Jerry's family came into our lives in Southern California while I was attending the Master's college. It all started when Vicky (Jerry's aunt) contacted my basketball coach to see if there was any college girls who would be interested in giving her daughter(Jenny)basketball lessons. Coach gave me the contact and lets just say it was one of the biggest blessings in my life. Side note: Jenny just graduated from Cal State University Long Beach with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. I can hardly believe this skinny, but tough, little girl I met years ago has graduated from college. Way to go Jenny! The blessing of this family came not only through Ed, Vicky, Jenny, and Eddie, but also Jerry's family-Criss, Paul, Zach, and Taylor, who's never ending love and generosity abounded and still does today. Jerry had been playing professional baseball with the White Sox, but due to a few injury's, is now in Washington! We are thrilled, we have never had so much fun watching baseball.
Jerry played football at UCLA and then decided he was going to transfer to Master's and play baseball. I think my facts are right on this but he hadn't played baseball since his sophmore year in high school. That may tell you a little about how gifted he is. Funny story at about the game, actually awesome story, but at the game there was this girl sitting in the front row and Jerry was warming up to hit next and she asked him what was in his back pocket. Jerry told her it was his Bible. Her mouth literally dropped open and was silent for a bit and then she started going off about how cool that is, saying that he was her favorite player ever, so on and so on and so on, etc, etc. You get the point. What a wonderful testimony for Christ!
Looks like fun... great story about the bible... love it!! Can I take Brooklyn home with me??? Way too cute!!
i really loved this story jordan, that is such a awesome testimony!
Fun times!! I love the picture of Brooklyn at the top. Her blue eyes are B E A U T I F U L, beautiful!
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