Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Visit from Friends & Brooklyn's 2nd Birthday

Our Summer has been full! Sometimes life is full, as in just full of stuff, things to be, places to be, but this summer life has been full of all things that are good... friends, fellowship, laughter, family, and all the good gifts God gives us to enjoy in this lifetime. Dan, Cindy, Brae, Tori, and John spent a few days with us while Dan was recruiting for The Masters Basketball Team. It has become a tradition we look forward to each and every summer.

The Welch family was in Washington from Indiana vacationing with family. Kirk was Nate's youth pastor in high school. Kirk had a huge impact on Nate's life through his high school and college years and still does today. It is hard to believe he married us 10 years ago now. So anyhow, on their way to Portland they stopped by to see us. What a treat it was to see Kirk and Corrie and their four boys!

Brooklyn had a lot of fun wrestling with the boys, they were kind enough to let her crawl all over them

Josiah, Benjamin, and Brooklyn. Brooklyn loved having the big boys around

Kirk, Trent, and Nate chatting

Brooklyn, Yum YUm!

Me, Corrie, and Cindy

Brae and Tori playing in the dirt

The girls watching a movie

Brooklyn turned 2!!!!!!!!!!!
We had a very fun day playing with balloons and celebrating in the evening with friends and family.
Brooklyn was loving the big balloons!

Does anyone remember these balloons that you can hit??? My grandma used to buy them
Brooklyn surprised me how good she was at it!

Wrestling with the balloons

O Boy!

Trenton, so content!

Opening her gifts. This card lite up and Brooklyn really liked it

Fun gifts!!!!!!!!!!!!

The adorable blue chair Bri made for Brooklyns room. Brooklyn loved her party hat, she kept it on all night.

What a sweet picture...Brooklyn and Bri having Cake. Brooklyn wouldn't touch her cake last year, but has in the last year realized that sugar is good after all.

Sweet Girl